Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dance like them


Hell yeah! This is my favorite group dancer, The JABBAWOCKEEZ. I knew them from the show the american got talent. After that, they become well known street dancers and if you watch STEP UP 2, you'll see them dancing. But not that long, cause the director cut their full scene. Oh yea btw, I love dance. Kind of street one I prefer(being influence by them maybe). Well I've practiced some of the basic one, like popping and the 'V'. I'm pretty adapt on it. It's pretty amazing when you do it infront the mirror like WOW! haha. When my bro saw me, he said 'gila, atu rugged!'

Tomorrow I'm going to KK and its like a last minute holidays trip! Will be back to Brunei on the last day of holidays! huuu~

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In Memory...

James Owen Sullivan

The Rev
A7X Drummer
(February 10, 1981 – December 28, 2009)

Tuesday december the 29th is WOW!!

Heyhey guys!! Guess what?! Tadi pagi ku main game buang boring and my parents antar my big bro ke collegenya. huu no holidays collegenya ni. Biasa~ private college. So tadi ku siuksiuk main game and my parents ani balik trus suruh nya aku bsiap sedia minta daganni ke kadai. Huu! Apa lagi aku ni trus zoom lh mandi apa without tutup game ah. Game palakpalak on. haha. Nasib lh my amah ani off kn. Bila smpi dkadai, wahhh banyak nya urg!! Biasa bonus bh bulan 12 ani. P my boss nda plng bonus sal ia BSP. So act mcm urg bonus jua lh kami tadi. haha. yeahh! bnyk kami mmbali tadi, p indalh mcm urg bonus. And tadi ku jmpa c kawan ah p ia nda nmpk aku. Kan menagur p tkt urg lain yg mliat, bnyk urg lh punya pasal. haha. nda apalh, liat mua pun cukup dh. hehe ;D

Siuksiuk jalan and baru ku sadar yg elaun ku keluar or balum this month. Aku kn mencek tadi, kalinya nda jadi. Sal ramai urg bQ. Lau ku ikut bQ, grnti urg pikir aku ni bonus jua. hahaha. biar ja eh, maybe sok kali ku cek, kalau nda banyak urg. OTW kn balik, my parents ni ke rumah aunty ku. Sal mau confirm kalau this thursday jadi ke KK. Hope jadi~

Owhhyeaa. I'm currently listening to THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA songs. Nice Metalcore band huh! Actually one of my friend recommend for me and the result is (Y)(Y). haha. Aggresive music owhh and I like it! :D

Monday, December 28, 2009

Apa punya cerita?

Huu! My holidays so far so BEST! haha Too much jalanjalan tanpa henti...BUT I don't realize that school nada batah g re-open! OMG!! My assignments haven't done yet!! Baru ia relax hantap sepanjang cuti ni. errghhh! So kamu tau lh apa reaction ku time ni.